Thursday, June 24, 2010


Dar was cool too, really big city relative to Arusha. Watched the US/Slovenia game there at O’Willie’s Irish Pub with about four other Americans (I think the only ones in the city, there are way fewer foreigners in Dar than here). Went to a bizarre but beautiful beach outside of Dar. It’s this sort of complex with a huge pool where they just blast hip hop from these huge speakers all day long. So sitting on the beach trying to read my book about the Congo wars with T-Pain in the background made for sort of odd mental images. Think you all would love it.

No pictures because Tor has the camera, but expect an update soon. She has been in Zanzibar with an amiga from the US for the past week. Wish I had friends like that.

We're meeting in Tanga tomorrow which is about halfway between Dar and Arusha on the coast. Only have been back in Arusha for four days and need another break (I guess).


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